Diamond Guide
We think diamond color is one is one of the most important factors to consider when selecting a diamond because it is one of the first things most people notice-whether or not the diamond is "white". It is also one of the most significant factors affecting value. D: The clearest diamond color grade, which is very rare.
Diamonds that are absolutely clean are very much in demand and are therefore the most expensive. But most of the diamonds have inclusions - scratches, trace minerals or other tiny characteristics that can detract from the pure beauty of the diamond. The GIA diamond report summarizes all these.
Diamonds are sold by the carat (ct)-not to be confused with karat (kt), which refers to gold quality in the Unites States. Once you've determined what diamond cut, diamond color, and diamond clarity grade you're looking for in a diamond, it's easy to determine the carat weight of diamond that will fit within your budget.
Diamond Cut: In its natural state, a diamond's beauty is generally concealed. While nature determines a diamond's color, clarity, and carat weight, the hand of a master craftsman is needed to release its fire and beauty. What draws out its brilliance is the cut of the diamond, which under ideal circumstances maximizes the optical properties within the diamond, particularly its ability to refract light and disperse color.
Fluorescent diamonds, especially the extreme rare cases known as over blues, give a diamond a visible haziness that undervalues them on the market. They appear almost cloudy in light with strong ultraviolet content, which compromises their clarity and decreases their appeal. Strongly fluorescent diamonds with yellowish body color have the appearance of better, whiter color in sunlight, a source of ultraviolet light.
A diamond certificate is a "blueprint" of a diamond, it tells you the diamond's exact measurements and weight, as well as the details of its cut and quality. It precisely points out all the individual characteristics of the stone. Certificates also serve as proof of the diamond's identity and value. Note that a certificate is not the same thing as an appraisal. A certificate describes the quality of a diamond, but it does not place a monetary value on the gem.